Leather Care: The Ultimate Guide
We've put together the Ultimate Leather Care Guide, keep to these golden rules in caring for your pieces and your leather will last a lifetime.
We've put together the Ultimate Leather Care Guide, keep to these golden rules in caring for your pieces and your leather will last a lifetime.
A leather strop is the best way to keep your blade sharp through the years. For an old-school barber cut there’s no finer maintenance method.
Find out more about the iconic shoe.
When we hear ‘luxury car’, we think fine leather seats, a gleaming dashboard and a sleek steering wheel. We dream about climbing inside, sitting back, and enjoying a smooth ride to wherever we’re headed.
Diversity is a must for any weekend bag. But what else should you be looking for? Here are a few features worth considering...
There’s so much to celebrate with this material, and we’ve made a quiz to remind you just what leather’s capable of. So, can you pick the right multi-choice answers?