Gym Motivation: How to keep motivated

Gym Motivation for 2020

Gym Motivation: How to keep motivated


Did you give up the booze for Dry January? Or setting a new healthy, no-sugar lifestyle? If so, good on you. But what about – some might say – the hardest New Year’s resolution of them all: Gym motivation. Actually becoming a regular and sticking to it.


If you’re struggling with the last one, you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve put together a few pointers to help you get off the sofa and on with your workout.


Find a gym buddy

The first step, and often the hardest part, is actually getting into the swing of things. However, everything will seem a lot less daunting if you go with a friend. Try training with someone else and you’ll be even more motivated than before to go more regularly. If you don’t know any regular gymgoers, try approaching a friendly face after a fitness class. Honestly, give it a shot – you’ll have nothing to lose and so much to gain, and it’s never as weird as you think.


Set goals

It sounds obvious, but a surprising amount of people who join a gym without an agenda quit going after a few sessions. Our advice would be to start small. Try going maybe once or twice a week for a few months, and then scale up from there – doing a hardcore first week won’t last in the long run. If you have to miss one or two of your gym sessions, don’t give up; just restart as soon as you’re able to. The trick is to keep moving and stay motivated by thinking how well you feel after your workout.


Don’t overthink it

It’s easy to overcomplicate going to the gym in your head. If you feel you’ve over planned your workouts, take a step back from doing your utmost to reach your targets. Many people set themselves impossible goals that interfere with their work and social lives, which is bad not just for your fitness journey, but for your mental health. Which bring us to our next point…


Talk about your progress

We’re not talking about becoming ‘that friend’ rambling on about how much you can bench, but opening up about your progress can do wonders for your self-esteem. Don’t be afraid to talk to family and friends, a colleague at work or even a counsellor in their office – there’s no shame in it whatsoever.


Treat Yourself

It’s never a bad idea to buy something for yourself in the hopes of giving you that extra bit of motivation you need to start working out. Treat yourself to a luxury leather bag for your gym kit. The Bristol Barrel Holdall  is perfect for trips to and from the gym, providing ample space for your kit as well as a chic yet long-lasting accessory to keep you on the move. The Sennheiser Momentum Bluetooth Wireless In-Ear Headphones are also lifesavers in the gym; say goodbye to the nuisance of your headphone wires getting in the way of your treadmill workout, without costing an arm and a leg! Drinking water is also very important yet easy to forget – try staying hydrated in style with a ZORRI water bottle; a reliable and affordable accessory to keep you going.


There you have it: five pieces of advice that will help keep you motivated in the gym. Now go out there and stick to your new you this New Year. Good luck!




Photo by Meghan Holmes for Unsplash