Back to basics – tools you need to start leather work
Cut, stitch, finish – here’s our rundown of the tools you’ll need if you want to start crafting leather designs.
Cut, stitch, finish – here’s our rundown of the tools you’ll need if you want to start crafting leather designs.
The results are finally in for this year’s International Student Design Competition, and the 2022 People’s Choice Category Winner, receiving 2,490 votes out of a total of 37,000 from the public, is Lior Weinberg, with her entry Paradox of Fashion.
The 2022 Accessory Category Winner is Gianluca Ambrosini, with his beautiful entry The Pouch Shopping Bag. Gianluca will be joining the other 3 Category Winners at the live International Final event on September 15th, presenting his design in front of the
The results are in – this year’s International Competition’s Apparel Category Winner is the talented Gal Benjamin, with his entry
The results are in – this year’s International Competition’s Footwear Category Winner is the talented Anna Melegh, with her entry Haute Couture Trash. Anna will be joining the other 3 Category Winners at the live International Final event on November 2,
The results are in! The Real Leather. Stay Different. Taiwan Region Student Design Competition announces its winners.
Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and in line with the advice provided by the British Fashion Council relating to London Fashion Week, we have taken the decision to postpone this Thursday's Real Leather. Stay Different. International
The results are in! The Real Leather. Stay Different. China Regional Student Design Competition announces its winners.
The results are in! The Inaugural Real Leather. Stay Different. Nordic Student Design Competition announces its
The Real Leather. Stay Different. UK Student Design Competition, in partnership with ArtsThread, has confirmed its category and People’s Choice winners for this year, as well as the Overall
According to the Water Footprint Network (WFN), it takes 15,400 litres on average globally to produce a kilo of beef, which works out at 1925 litres for a pure beef quarter-pounder. But what does this really
There are often claims that wearing and using leather leads to the rearing, and therefore the killing, of more cattle. Here’s why these claims are